Home > LED PRODUCTS > Light Wands > Windmills> LED Christmas Snowman Windmill Spinning Wand
led christmas snowman windmill spinning wand tm09132.jpg
    Product InformationUpload date:Nov 2023
    Name LED Christmas Snowman Windmill Spinning Wand
    Item No TM09132
    Light Modes 2
    Led Colors 1GN 1YL 3RD 2BL 1ML
    Batteries 3*AA
    Size 46.5*3.5*2.4CM
  • led-christmas-snowman-windmill-spinning-wand-tm09132-0.jpg.jpg
  • led-christmas-snowman-windmill-spinning-wand-tm09132-1.jpg.jpg
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  • led-christmas-snowman-windmill-spinning-wand-tm09132-4.jpg.jpg
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    Product Information    Upload date:Nov 2023
    Name LED Christmas Snowman Windmill Spinning Wand
    Item No TM09132
    Light Modes 2
    Led Colors 1GN 1YL 3RD 2BL 1ML
    Batteries 3*AA
    Size 46.5*3.5*2.4CM
  • Product Description
  • 1. White handle with ball at the bottom+snowman+milky white windmill leaves, with sound

    2. Product size: 46.5 * 3.5 * 2.4CM, the diameter of the transparent ball at the bottom: 1.68CM

    3. Including 3*AA batteries, toggle switch, battery box can be locked with screws and insulation sheet can be inserted

    4. Includes a total of 8pcs LED lights (1 mulit color LED in the bottom ball, 1 red, 1 blue inside the snowman, and 1 green, 1 yellow, 2 red, and 1 blue on the windmill)

    5. Light mode: Turn on the switch - music sounds, the windmill blades rotate (the multi color LED at the bottom change and flash, the red and blue LED in the snowman flash, the green and yellow LED in the split windmill blades stay on, the red and blue LED stay on, and one of the red LED flashes) - off



    Introducing our LED Christmas Snowman Windmill Spinning Wand! Bring the magic of the holiday season to life with this enchanting wand. Watch as the snowman spins and twinkling LED lights create a festive atmosphere. Perfect for holiday parties, parades, or as a delightful gift for friends and family.



    Wir präsentieren unseren LED-Weihnachts-Schneemann-Windmühlen-Zauberstab! Bringen Sie die Magie der Weihnachtszeit mit diesem bezaubernden Zauberstab zum Leben. Sehen Sie zu, wie der Schneemann sich dreht und funkelnde LED-Lichter eine festliche Atmosphäre schaffen. Perfekt für Weihnachtsfeiern, Paraden oder als entzückendes Geschenk für Freunde und Familie.



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    Introducerer vores LED-jule-sne-mand-vindmølle-snurrende tryllestav! Bring magien fra højtiden til live med denne fortryllende tryllestav. Se sne-manden snurre, og de glitrende LED-lys skaber en festlig stemning. Perfekt til julefester, parader eller som en dejlig gave til venner og familie.



    ¡Presentamos nuestra Varita Giratoria LED de Muñeco de Nieve Navideño! Dale vida a la magia de la temporada navideña con esta encantadora varita. Observa cómo el muñeco de nieve gira y las luces LED parpadeantes crean un ambiente festivo. Perfecto para fiestas navideñas, desfiles o como un regalo encantador para amigos y familiares.



    Presentiamo la nostra Bacchetta Girevole con Mulino a Vento e LED a forma di Pupazzo di Neve per il Natale! Porta la magia della stagione natalizia alla vita con questa bacchetta incantata. Osserva il pupazzo di neve che gira e le luci LED lampeggianti creano un'atmosfera festosa. Perfetta per feste natalizie, sfilate o come regalo delizioso per amici e familiari.



    Apresentamos a nossa Varinha Giratória com Moinho de Vento LED de Boneco de Neve para o Natal! Traga a magia da temporada festiva à vida com esta varinha encantadora. Assista enquanto o boneco de neve gira e as luzes LED cintilantes criam uma atmosfera festiva. Perfeita para festas de Natal, desfiles ou como um presente encantador para amigos e familiares.






    Представляем нашу светодиодную волшебную палочку с рождественским снеговиком и ветряной мельницей! Внесите волшебство праздничного сезона в свою жизнь с этой волшебной палочкой. Смотрите, как снеговик кружится, а мерцающие светодиоды создают праздничную атмосферу. Идеально подходит для новогодних вечеринок, парадов или в качестве восхитительного подарка для друзей и семьи.



    نقدم لكم عصا الدوران بواسطة مروحة ثلج عيد الميلاد بتقنية LED! أحضروا سحر موسم الأعياد إلى الحياة مع هذه العصا الساحرة. شاهدوا كيف يدور رجل الثلج وكيف تخلق الأضواء اللامعة بيئة احتفالية. مثالية للحفلات الاحتفالية بمناسبة الكريسماس، الاستعراضات، أو كهدية رائعة للأصدقاء والعائلة.

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